Wednesday, October 26, 2011

:: Binder Cookbook ::

Okay, so maybe this isn't the greenest of ideas, but if you happen to print out recipes from the internet or rip them out of magazine and you have a collection of printed recipes, you might feel like you are drowning in a pile of papers.  The perfect solution is simple.  
Get a three-ring binder - preferably one of the ones with the clear pocket on the front - and a package of sheet protectors.  If you're super-organized, you can categorize your recipes or alphabetize them before starting and then use labeled dividers (see photos below!) so that you can easily find what you're looking for when it's cooking time!  Just place your recipe printouts into the page protectors (one protector can have two recipes inside, back-to-back, of course). 
Personally, I HIGHLY recommend using page protectors (not pictured, but as you realize, they are the plastic sleeves you can buy at any office supply store, Target, Walmart, etc.) I am kind of a slop in the kitchen and if I was just working from a piece of paper, it would be virtually destroyed the first time I used it!  Let's just say a lot of my cookbooks have wrinkled pages from spills!  With the plastic page protector, if you spill something, simply wipe it off and there won't be any runny ink on the paper... 

Of course, it wouldn't be *craftastic* without some embellishing, now would it?!  If you aren't feeling inspired, you could just print a cover page to insert with a stock image or clip art and something like "Family Favorites" or "Our Best Recipes."  (See photo below - binder cookbook circa 2001! ...I think it's time to craft a new cover.  In my defense, September 2001 was the month after I had my first baby!)  You could also use scrapbook paper or photos and really make a nice coverpage in the front of your binder.  Use your imagination and use what you have lying around - it doesn't have to cost a fortune. 


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