Wednesday, January 4, 2012

:: Light up the lampshade! ::

Well, I've been a bit of a slacker with the posts lately, but the other two craftastic sisters have picked up the slack (no pun intended!) with some really great ideas, which we hope you enjoyed and put to use over the holidays - or stored on your to-do list for next year.  Just because Christmas is over doesn't mean you can't make holiday crafts ... think preparation for next year.  ;) 

Today's idea comes courtesy of an ugly and boring lampshade from a cheap lamp purchased years ago, and maybe a couple inspirational ideas I've seen online that I adapted to make my own.  

What you will need:
* a lampshade that needs some TLC
* ribbon or yarn or both (fabric would even work for this)
* a glue gun and hot glue sticks
* the ability not to burn off your fingerprints

I chose to use a small lampshade, probably because it was basically the only one in the house.  We really don't own lamps, other than those tall floor lamps, one of which is still hiding out in the basement where it landed before a recent carpet cleaning.  Surprisingly, I had yarn.  I don't knit or crochet, so the reason why I had yarn is really a coincidence!

Start by applying a strip of hot glue around the top of the lampshade (don't go the whole way around with the glue all at once because it could harden before you can wrap the yarn or ribbon).  Wrap the ribbon or yarn around, following the glue line, and continue for a few rows -- or you could cover the entire lampshade that way if you are patient enough, which I was not!  

This is where you can get creative.  I chose to take ribbon and cut it down the middle to give it a ragged edge, then twist and wrap to make a ball.  I then took each ribbon ball and glued it onto the lampshade randomly... mainly because the middle looked so bare.  See how much better it looks with a little bit of texture?  :)

Lots of possibilities with this project, so see what you can come up with!  So before you toss an old lampshade, think about how you can give it new life.  You probably already have everything you need, so use up what's left of that skein of yarn, finish off the ribbon and get creative!  


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